Thursday, March 12, 2020

Semester II (2019-20) Class: BE(IT) Subject: MC Assignment I

MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of IT
Semester II (2019-20)
Class: BE(IT)       Subject: MC         Assignment I
1.     Draw and discuss the architectures used in 802.11 networks. (Level 2)
2.     Identify the applications of mobile and wireless communication. (Level 2)
3.     Compare FDMA, TDMA and SDMA (Level 4)
4.     Differentiate between 802.3 and 802.11. (Level 4)
5.     List the design goals of wireless LAN. (level 1)
6.     How the hidden terminal problem is solved in 802.11 protocol? (Level 2)
7.     What are the drawbacks of  Infrared signals? Explain. (level1, Level 2)
8.     Classify the multiplexing techniques in wireless communication systems.
9.     Draw and explain layers of 802.11 protocol. (Level 2)
10. Examine the CSMA/CA technique used for Wi-fi networks. (Level 4)
11.   Draw the 802.11 MAC frame format? A smartphone receives a MAC packet on wifi network with the following bits in frame control field of MAC frame:
          Perform the analysis of the frame. (Level 4)
12.   A laptop downloads a pdf file of 6MB using FHSS physical interface of wifi having 8Mbps data rate. Calculate the frame size and time required for downloading.  (Level 3)
13.   Identify the properties of SCO and ACL interface of Bluetooth. (Level 1).
14.  What are the different IFS used in 802.11 MAC layer? A mobile station is ready with an Data Packet, how long should it wait before transmission using FHSS and DSSS?
15.  What is a beacon frame? How synchronization is done using beacon transmission in 802.11 adhoc networks? (Level 2, Level3)
16.  How power management is done in wifi adhoc network using TIM ?

Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A

Additional Questions for practice
17.                        What are the drawbacks of mobile and wireless communication? Explain.
18.                        Give comparison between wireless networks and fixed networks.
19.                        What additional functions are required for wireless MAC protocol? Why?
20.                        Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 FHSS frame format.
21.                        Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 DSSS frame format.
22.                        What are the different digital modulation techniques? Discuss in brief
23.                         What are the three access methods used by 802.11 standard? Explain in detail.
24.                        Give comparison between infrared and radio transmission.
25.                        What are the applications of mobile and wireless communication? Explain in detail.
26.                        Enlist and explain the components of infrastructure networks of 802.11.
27.                         State and explain the 3 versions of 802.11 physical layers.
28.                        What functions are performed by MAC management of 802.11? Discuss in detail.
29.                         How power management is done in 802.11 infrastructure and ad-hoc networks?
30.                         Write short note on: (i)Wifi Dual Band (ii) Wifi Direct
31.                        What are the different spread spectrum techniques in wireless networks? Explain briefly.
32.                         Define Hidden terminal, exposed terminal and far and near terminal in wireless lan.
33.                        Enlist characteristics of wireless LANs.
34.                         Define TIM and ATIM.
35.                        A laptop uploads mp3 file of 4MB using DSSS physical interface of wifi having 6Mbps data rate. Calculate the frame size and time required for uploading. Also list the functions of different fields of DSSS packet format.
36.                         Draw and explain Bluetooth protocol stack.
37.                         Draw and explain blutooth piconet and scatternet .
38.                         How security is implemented in Bluetooth networks?
39.                         What are the different addresses used in Bluetooth devices?
40.                        What are the states of Bluetooth device? Explain.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

SY IT: Internetworking Protocol Assignment I

MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of Information Technology
Academic Year 2019-20 (Feb. 2020)
Course: B. Tech in   Information Technology                 Sem: IV (Fourth)
Subject Name: Internetworking Protocol                        Subject Code:BTITC404
Assignment I


Q. 1
Define Protocol. Explain the key elements of protocol.
Level 1,2/CO1

Draw the layers of OSI model.

What is Encapsulation? Discuss with example.

List the functions of Physical Layer.

Explain the functions of Data Link Layer.

Review the responsibilities of Network Layer.

What are the operations of Transport Layer?

Enlist the responsibilities of Session, Presentation and Application Layers.

Compare ISO model with TCP/IP model.

Define: (i) Physical address (ii) Logical address (iii) Port address, and (iv) Application-specific address.
Level 1/ CO1

List the protocols of TCP/IP model at all layers.
Level 1/ CO2

Define Frame. Draw and explain Ethernet Frame format.
Level 2/ CO1

Calculate the minimum and maximum length of ethernet frame and its payload.

How to distinguish a unicast address, multicast address and broadcast Ethernet address?
Level 2/ CO1

a. If a port number is 16 bits (2 bytes), what is the minimum header size at transport layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite?
b. If a logical address is 32 bits (4 bytes), what is the minimum header size at network layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite?
c. If a physical address is 48 bits (6 bytes) what is the minimum header size at the
data link layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite?

Write a short note on: Internet Administration.

*****The End*****

Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Class: BE(IT) Subject: DMDW Assignment II Semester I (2019-20)

MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of IT
Semester I (2019-20)

Class: BE(IT)       Subject: DMDW         Assignment II

1. Define Data Mining. What types of attributes are used for data mining?
2. Suppose that the data for analysis includes the attribute Marks. The Marks values for the data
    tuples are (in increasing order) 23, 25, 26, 26, 29, 30, 30, 31, 32, 32, 35, 35, 35, 35, 40,
    43, 43, 45, 45, 45, 45, 46, 50, 55, 56, 62, 80. Calculate Mean, Median, Mode and Midrange of     
    the data.
3. Suppose we have the following values for sales (in thousands of rupees), shown in   
    increasing order: 40, 46, 57, 60, 62, 62, 66, 70, 73, 80, 80, 120. Calculate Variance and
    Standard Deviation.
4. Given two objects represented by the tuples (12, 5) and (25, 20):
     (a) Compute the Euclidean distance between the two objects.
     (b) Compute the Manhattan distance between the two objects.
5. Compare      (i) Discrete and continuous attributes.
                        (ii) Interval-scaled and ratio-scaled attributes.
6. Describe the major steps involved in data preprocessing.
7. Define Noise in data. For the following data : 23, 25, 26, 26, 29, 30, 30, 31, 32, 32, 35, 35, 
    35, 35, 40, 43, 43, 45, 45, 45, 45, 46, 50, 55, 56, 62, 80. Use smoothing by bin means to
    smooth these data, using a bin depth of 3.
8. Compare min-max and z-score normalization.
9. Use these methods to normalize the following group of data:
                        100, 200, 300, 500,900
(a) min-max normalization by setting min= 0 and max = 1
(b) z-score normalization
10. Define: (i) Support (ii) Confidence (iii) closed frequent itemset (iv) maximal frequent   
11. Discuss the steps of the Apriori algorithm.
12. Apply the Apriori Algorithm to the following transaction database and find the frequent itemsets   using minimum support count as 2.
TIDList of Items
101Lux, Tide, Colgate
103Tide, Vim
104Lux, Tide, Ponds
105Lux, Vim
106Tide, Vim
107Lux, Vim
108Lux, Tide, Vim, Ponds
109Lux, Tide, Vim

13. Identify the drawbacks of Apriori algorithm.
14. Evaluate the Bayesian classifier with an appropriate example.
15. Evaluate k-means clustering algorithm with an appropriate example.
16. Classify web mining techniques.

Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Class: BE(IT) Subject: DMDW Assignment-I Semester-I (2019-20)

MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of IT
Semester I (2019-20)

Class: BE(IT)       Subject: DMDW         Assignment I

1. Differentiate between DBMS and Datawarehouse.
2. What are the properties of data in a datawarehouse? Explain.
3. Draw the block diagram of DW architecture. Explain various components of DW architecture.
4. Define data cube. Explain OLAP operations that can be performed on data cube.
5. A data cube is having aggregate Sales of Maharashtra State. Identify an OLAP operation to find Sales of Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur?
6. A data cube is having data of IPD and OPD patients. Identify an OLAP operation to find the data of all patients.
7. Classify the schema used in datawarehouse design.
8. Design star schema for a Pathological Laboratory. Consider Test, Doctor, Time, and Hospital as Dimensions and Count as a measure.
9. Compose SQL statements to create above star schema (Q No 8).
10. Explain fact constellation schema with an example.
11. Suppose a DW consists of four dimensions Date, Region, Product, Manager and two measures Quantity_sold and Amount. Draw snowflake schema.
12. Categorize the Measures used in Data Cube.
13. Create a bitmap index for the following table.

Samsung S10
14. Define data mining. Discuss the characteristics of DM output.
15. What are the steps of KDD process? Explain briefly.
16. Compare ROLAP, MOLAP and HOLAP.

******Best of Luck******

Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A