Sunday, November 14, 2010

BE(IT) DMDW TermWork List 2010-11

One Important Key To Success is Self-Confidence....
An Important Key To Self-Confidence is Preparation.....!!

MGM's College of Engineering, Nanded-431605.

Department of IT
Sem I (2011-12)
BE(IT) DMDW TermWork List

1. WAP for doing Text Mining (text analysis) in C/C++/Java/.net.

2. WAP for preparing graph for given data C/C++/Java/.net.

3. Write and execute the code in SQL for 'MERGE' in Oracle 9i / 10g.

4. Write and execute the code in SQL for Multi-Table Insertion in
Oracle 9i / 10g.

5. Write and execute the code in SQL for Creating Star-Schema and
run appropriate queries for it using Oracle 9i / 10g
6. Write and execute the code in SQL for accessing External file in
Oracle 9i / 10g.

7. Study of Weka Tool for DM.

8. Study of Cognos PowerPlay.

9. Study of Microstraegy DSS Web.

10. Study of Pentaho.

11. Study of Clementine.

Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A

Friday, October 8, 2010

Converting Windows XP System into Router

This article tells how to make your windows XP (professional) machine work
as a router by following simple steps. There are situations in which we need
to connect two different series network and make them communicate to each
other. We need a router to make necessary routing of packets from one network
to a different network. But for home router seems a costly option. However if
you are having Windows XP professional you can make it router by enabling
IP forwarding in registry.

You need to have two network cards installed on your router machine
(windows xp machine), both connected to network switches of two
different networks.

Two network cards on the router are having following configuration

Router (Windows XP Professional)

Network Card X (connected to switch of network X):
IP Address: 172.16. 1 .1
Gateway: Blank

Network Card Y (connected to switch of network Y):
IP Address:
Gateway: Blank

All computers in network X should have following configuration.
IP Address : 172.16. 1.2 to 172.16. 1.254
Gateway: 172.16. 1 .1

All computers in network Y should have following configuration.
IP Address: to

Now to make these two networks communicate Configure IP forwarding
Go to Start and click Run
Type in regedit to run registry editor.
Go to the following registry key at the left hand side tree
Right click IPEnableRouter and click Modify.
In IPEnableRouter window Type 1 as Value data and click OK.
Close the regisrty editor and reboot the computer to make new settings effective.

Your XP router is ready and and your different series networks can communicate to each other without any Router.