Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.
Teaching and Examination Scheme Final Year (Information Technology)
With effect from Academic Year 2011-12
Part I
Sr. Name of the Subject Scheme Paper Test Termwork Practical Total
No. (Hrs./week)
1.Embedded System 04 80 20 -- -- 100
2.Information and 04 80 20 -- -- 100
Network Security
3.IT Project 04 80 20 -- -- 100
4.Data Mining and 04 80 20 -- -- 100
Data Warehouse
5.Elective-I 04 80 20 -- -- 100
6.Computer Lab IV 02 (Th) -- -- 25 25 50
7.Project 02 -- -- 50 50 100
Part-I (Lab)
8.Embedded 02(Lab) -- -- 25 25 50
9.Information and 02(Lab) -- -- 25 25 50
Network Security
10.Data Mining and 02(Lab) -- -- 25 25 50
Data Warehouse
Elective ,I :
Sr. Name of elective subjects
2.Software Testing and Quality Assurance
3.Digital Signal & Image Processing
4.Distributed Systems
5.Human Computer Interaction
Part II
Name of the Subject
Business Economics and Management
Mobile Computing
Grid and Cloud Computing
Elective ,II
Computer Laboratory ,V
02 +
02 (Lab)
Project Part-II
02 (Lab)
Mobile Computing
02 (Lab)
Grid and Cloud Computing
02 (Lab)
Elective ,II :
Sr. No
Name of Elective subjects
IT Infrastructure Management
Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Enterprise Resource Planning
Management Information System
Embedded System
Term work : 25 Marks Theory : 80 Marks
Practical : 25 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Course Objectives :
1. To understand advance processor and its applications in formulating the system.
2. Able to analyze the peripherals related to the embedded system.
3. To understand the fundamentals to develop the communication protocols.
UNIT 1: Overview of Embedded System (6 Hrs)
Introduction , I/O Devices, Memory Devices & basic hardware units, Physical Devices, UART, Modem, transreceiver timer,counter, Keypad & Keyboard LED & LCD display units DAC & ADC & Pulse dialer, Common design Metrics Optimizing Design Metrics & Design technology.
UNIT 2: The ARM Architecture (6 Hrs)
ARM7 processor fundamentals, Memory management, ARM processor family, Instruction set, Interfacing, Introduction to ASIPS, Microcontrollers & DSPS.
UNIT 3: Devices, Drivers & Buses (8 Hrs)
Serial Communication Devices, Parallel Devices ports wireless Devices, Timers & Counting Devices Watchdog Timers with example Reaction timers Serial Bus Common protocol, Advanced Serial high speed Buses, Parallel Bus device protocols using ISA PCI, PCI,X & Advanced Buses, Device Drivers & Interrupt Handling Mechanism, Interrupt Latency, Interrupt Service Deadline, Device Driver programming.
UNIT 4: Programming Concepts (8 Hrs)
Embedded programming in C, C++ & Java Software programming in assembly Language ( ALP) & High level Language ‘C '. 'C' program elements Embedded Programming in C++, Embedded program in Java & program modeling Concepts.
UNIT 5: Real Time Operating System (6 Hrs)
OS Services, Process management, Memory Management Device, File & I/O Subsystem management, Interrupt Routines in RTOS Environment & Handling of Interrupt Source calls, Basic Design using RTOS, RTOS Task Scheduling models, Interrupt Latency & Response time OS Security Issues.
UNIT 6: Case Study (6 Hrs)
Design examples & Case Studies of program modeling & programming for Automatic Chocolate Vending machine using MISCOS RTOS and Digital camera Hardware/ Software Architecture.
Text books:
1) Embedded Systems “ Architecture, Programming & Design by Rajkamal Second
Edition 2003 Tata ,Mc-Graw hill
2) Embedded System Design ' A Simplified H/w / S/w in Frank Vahid/ Tony Girarjid.
3) ARM System Developers Guide By Andrew N. Sloss Deminic Symes Chris Wright , ELSEVER Publications.
Reference :
1. The ARM Processor Manual
Embedded System Lab
Term Work : Any eight experiments/ programs based on the list mentioned below.
List of programs in Embedded Lab can be implemented either in “C” Language or
1.Write a program to initialize the I/O ports & interface the following:
a. LED/LCD Display
b. Stepper Motor
c. Elevator
d. Dot ,matrix printer
2. Write a Program using ADC/ DAC to perform various conversions.
3. Write a Program for delay using in-built timer.
4. Write a Program for serial, communication using inbuilt 8251.
5. Write a Program for Scheduling algorithms like FIFO, SJF & Round Robin
6. Implement Real Time deadline algorithms.
7. Write a Program to control I/O devices (hard disk, speaker etc).
8. Write a Program to test the functions of Semaphore, Mutex , Lock etc
9. Write a Program to communicate between processes using pipe, send & receive,
10. Write a Program to perform matrix multiplication using p-threads.
Practical Examination :
Practical examination will be of three hours that includes performing an experiment/ oral based on syllabus.
Information and Network Security
Term work : 25 Marks Theory : 80 Marks
Practical : 25 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Course Objectives :
1. To understand the principle of encryption algorithms; conventional and public key cryptography.
2. To have detailed knowledge about authentication, hash functions and application level security mechanisms.
3. To know the network security tools and applications and to understand the system level security used.
UNIT I : Introduction to Information Security (6 Hrs)
Introduction; What is security? Critical characteristics of information; NSTISSC security model; Approaches to information security implementation; Information security terminologies.
Introduction to Network Security: Attacks, Services, and Mechanisms; Security Attacks; Security Services; A model for Internetwork Security.
UNIT II : System Level Security (6 Hrs)
Firewalls : Introduction, Physical design, Firewalls, Protecting Remote Connections. Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Access control and Other Security Tools: Introduction; Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS); Honey Pots, Honey Nets and Padded cell systems.
UNIT III : Cryptography (8 Hrs)
Conventional Encryption Principles and Algorithms (DES, AES, RC4), Cipher Block Modes of Operation; Location of encryption devices; Key distribution Public Key Cryptography Principles and Algorithms (RSA, RABIN, ELGAMAL, Diffie,Hellman, ECC), Key management.
UNIT IV : Authentication Applications (10 Hrs)
Approaches to message authentication: Secure Hash functions (SHA,512) and HMAC. Digital Signatures: Comparison, Process, Need for Keys, Signing the Digest, Services, Attacks on Digital Signatures. Kerberos, X.509 Directory Authentication Service.
Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), S/MIME
UNIT V: IP Security (5 Hrs)
IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining Security Associations, Key Management.
UNIT VI : Web Security (5 Hrs)
Web security requirements, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).
Text Books:
1. William Stallings: “Network Security Essentials Applications and Standards”, Pearson Education, 2000.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan: “Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw,Hill,2007.
Reference Books:
1. Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord: “Principles of Information Security, 2nd Edition”, Thomson, 2005.
2. Cryptography and Network Security by William Stallings, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education 2007.
Information and Network Security Lab
Term Work : Any eight experiments/ programs based on the list mentioned below.
Program List:
[1] Write a program that can encrypt and decrypt using the general Caesar cipher, also known as an additive cipher.
[2] Write a program that can perform a letter frequency attack on an additive cipher without human intervention.
[3] Write a program that can encrypt and decrypt using Hill cipher.
[4] Create software that can encrypt and decrypt using SDES. Test data: Use plaintext, cipher text, and key.
[5] Implement a differential cryptanalysis attack on 1round SAES.
[6] Implement Random Number Generation.
[7] Implement RSA Algorithm.
[8] Implement ELGAMAL Algorithm.
[9] Implement RC4 Algorithm.
[10] Implement MD5 Algorithm.
Practical Examination :
Practical examination will be of three hours that includes performing an experiment/ oral based on syllabus.
IT Project Management
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Course Objectives :
1. To get introduced to the IT project management needs and methodologies.
2. To be able to understand and make aware of managerial skills.
3. To have the detailed knowledge of implementation of IT project management.
UNIT 1 : An overview of IT Project Management (8 Hrs )
Introduction, the state of IT project management, context of project management, need of project management, project goals, project life cycle and IT development, extreme project management, PMBOK.
Conceptualizing and Initializing the IT Project: An information technology project methodology (ITPM), project feasibility, request for proposal (RFP), the business case, project selection and approval, project contracting, IT governance and the project office.
UNIT 2 : The Human Side of Project Management (7 Hrs)
Introduction, organization and project planning, the project team, the project environment.
Developing the Project Charter and Project Plan: Introduction, project management process, project integration management, the project charter, project planning framework, the contents of a project plan, the planning process, The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), the linear responsibility chart, multidisciplinary teams.
UNIT 3 : The Scope Management Plan (8 Hrs)
Introduction, scope planning, project scope definition, project scope verification, scope change control.
The Project’s Schedule, Budget and Risk Management: Introduction, developing the project schedule, project management software tools, methods of budgeting, developing the project budget, improving cost estimates, finalizing the project schedule and budget. IT project risk management planning process, identifying IT project risks, risk analysis and assessment, risk strategies, risk monitoring, and control, risk responses and evaluation.
UNIT 4 : Allocating Resources to the Project (8 Hrs)
Resource loading, resource leveling, allocating scarce resources to projects and several projects, Goldratt’s critical chain.
The Project Communication Plan: Introduction, monitoring and controlling the
project, the project communications plan, project metric, project control, designing the control system, the plan, monitor, control cycle, data collection and reporting, reporting performance and progress, information distribution.
UNIT 5 : Managing Change, Resistance and Conflicts (5 Hrs)
Introduction, the nature of change, the change management plan, dealing with resistance and conflicts.
Managing Project Procurement and Outsourcing: Introduction, project procurement management, outsourcing.
UNIT 6 : Project Leadership and Ethics (4Hrs)
Introduction, project leadership, ethics in projects, multicultural projects.
The Implementation Plan and Project Closure: Introduction, project implementation, administrative closure, project evaluation, project audit.
Text Books:
1. “Information Technology Project Management”, Jack T. Marchewka, 3rd edition, Wiley India,
2. Pankaj Jalote, ‘Software Project Management in Practice’, Pearson Education, ISBN,978,81,7758,857,6
Reference Books:
1. S. J. Mantel, J. R. Meredith and etl., “Project Management”1st edition, Wiley India.
2.. John M. Nicholas, “Project Management for Business and Technology”, 2nd edition, Pearson Education.
3.. Joel Henry, “Software Project Management, A real world guide to success”, Pearson Education.
4.. Gido and Clements, “Successful Project Management”, 2nd edition, Thomson
5.. Hughes and Cornell, “Software Project Management”, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill
6.. Joseph Phillips, “IT Project Management”, end edition, Tata McGraw Hill
7.. Robert K. Wyzocki and Rudd McGary, “Effective Project Management”, 3rd edition, Wiley
8. Brown, K.A. Project Management, McGraw Hill.
9. E,Book ,Project Management Body of Knowledge.
10. Dinsmore, P. C. (Ed.). (1993) The AMA Handbook of Project Management. AMACOM
4. Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Term work : 25 Marks Theory : 80 Marks
Practical : 25 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concept of data mining with in detail coverage of basic tasks, metrics, issues, and implications.
2. To understand core topics like classification, clustering and association rules.
3. To introduce the concept of data warehousing with special emphasis on architecture and design.
Unit I : Introduction (6 Hrs)
Definition and characteristics of data warehouse, Use of Data warehouse, difference between OLTP and Data Warehouse, Data cube and OLAP, OLAP operations: drill down, Roll up and extreme Roll up, slice dice and pivot. Difference between OLAP and OLTP operations, starnet model, models of Data warehouse: Enterprise Warehouse, Data Mart.
Unit II: Data preprocessing, language, concept description (6 Hrs)Why Preprocessing, Cleaning, Integration, Transformation, Reduction, Discretization, Concept Hierarchy Generation, Data Mining Primitives, Query Language, Graphical User Interfaces, Concept Description, Data Generalization, Characterizations, Class Comparisons, Descriptive, Statistical Measures.
Unit III : Data warehouse architecture (8 Hrs)
Issues in building data warehouse , Data warehouse design views, 3-tier data warehouse architecture, ROLAP, MOLAP and HOLAP, data warehouse schemas, Fact table, dimension table, star, snowflake, fact constellation, their comparison, warehousing internal storage: dimensional modeling and normalized approach, Meta data. Data staging.
Unit IV: Association rules (6 Hrs)Association Rule Mining, Single Dimensional Boolean Association Rules from Transactional Databases, Multi Level Association Rules from Transaction DatabasesUnit V: Classification and clustering (8 Hrs)Classification and Prediction, Issues, Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Association Rule Based, Other Classification Methods, Prediction, Classifier Accuracy, Cluster Analysis, Types of data, Categorization of methods, Partitioning methods, Outlier Analysis.
Unit VI: Web mining (6 Hrs)
Web Mining, Introduction, Web Content Mining, Crawlers, Harvest System, Virtual Web View , Personalization , Web Structure Mining, Page Rank , Clever, Web Usage Mining, Preprocessing , Data Structures , Pattern Discovery , Pattern Analysis.
Text Books :1. J. Han, M. Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Second Ed., Harcourt India / Morgan Kauffman.
2. Margaret H.Dunham, “Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education
Reference Books :.1. Sam Anahory, Dennis Murry, “Data Warehousing in the real world”, Pearson Education.2. David Hand, Heikki Manila, Padhraic Symth, “Principles of Data Mining”, PHI 2004.3.W.H.Inmon, “Building the Data Warehouse”, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2003.4. Alex Bezon, Stephen J.Smith, “Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP”, Mc-Graw Hill Edition, 2001.5. Paulraj Ponniah, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, Wiley Interscience Publication, 2003.
6. Kimball, “Data warehouse life cycle toolkit”, John Wiley,1998 ISBN : 978,0,471, 25547,5
7.Gagendra Sharma ,”Data mining, Data warehousing and OLAP”, S.K. Kataria and sons, First edition, 2007,08. ISBN 13: 9788189757472
8.George M Marakas, ‘Modern Data Warehousing, Mining, and Visualization’, Pearson Edu., ISBN : 978,81,317,0876,7
Data Mining and Data Warehousing Lab
Term Work : Any eight experiments/ programs based on the list mentioned below.
Experiment List :
Implementation of OLAP queries
Implementation of cube operator in OLAP queries in data warehousing.
Implement decision tree of data mining problem
Implement a priori algorithm in data mining
Implement view modification and materialization in data warehousing.
Design and build a Data Warehouse using bottom up approach titled 'Citizen
Information System'
Load data from heterogeneous sources including text files into a predefined warehouse schema.
Develop an application to implement OLAP, roll-up, drill-down, slice and dice operations
Students can learn to use WEKA open source data mining tool and run data mining algorithms on datasets.
Program for Classification ,Decision tree, Naïve Bayes using languages like JAVA
Program for Clustering ,K-means using languages like JAVA/C/C++.
Program for Association Mining using languages like JAVA/C/C++.
Web mining
DM projects: any one of Balanced Scorecard, Fraud detection, Market Segmentation etc. Using any commercial DM tool like SQLServer 2008, Oracle BI, SPSS, Clementine, and XLMiner, etc.
Practical Examination :
Practical examination will be of three hours that includes performing an experiment/ oral based on syllabus.
5. Computer Lab-IV
Termwork : 25 Marks Practical : 25 Marks
Course Objectives :
1. To get introduced to the concepts of C# and dot NET framework.
2. To have hands on practical implementations based on dot NET framework.
3. To get acquainted with application development.
1. Introduction to C# (2 Hrs)
Introducing C#, Understanding .NET, Overview of C#, Literals, Variables, Data
Types, Operators, Expressions, Branching, Looping, Methods, Arrays, Strings,
Structures, Enumerations.
2.Object Oriented aspects of C# ( 4 Hrs)
Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Operator Overloading,
Delegates, Events, Errors and Exceptions.
3. Application development on dot NET ( 4 Hrs)
Building Windows Applications, Accessing Data with ADO.NET.
4. Web based application development on dot NET (4 Hrs)
Programming Web Applications with Web Forms, Programming Web Services.
5. The CLR and the dot NET framework (6 Hrs)
Assemblies, Versioning, Attributes, Reflection, Viewing MetaData, Type
Discovery, Reflecting on a Type, Marshaling, Remoting, Understanding Server
Object Types, Specifying a Server with an Interface, Building a Server, Building
the Client, Using Single Call, Threads.
1. E. Balagurusamy, “Programming in C#”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. J. Liberty, “Programming C#”, 2nd ed., O’Reilly.
4. Herbert Schildt, “The Complete Reference: C#”, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Robinson et al, “Professional C#”, 2nd ed., Wrox Press.
6. Andrew Troelsen, “C# and the .NET Platform”, A! Press.
7. S. Thamarai Selvi, R. Murugesan, “A Textbook on C#”, Pearson Education.
Term work should contain at least 10 programs should be done as term work covering the following topics of C # and . NET Framework.
List of Programs :
1) Write a simple program using C#.
2) Write a program for array operations.
3) Write a program using for loop.
4) Write a program for unary & binary operations.
5) Write a program to demonstrate inheritance.
6) Write a program to demonstrate polymorphism(overloading & overriding).
7) Write a program for introduction to delegate.
8) Write a program using event handling.
9) Write a program to demonstrate exception handling.
10) Write a program for data accessing via ADO.Net using connected architecture.
11) Write a program for data accessing via ADO.Net using disconnected architecture.
12) Create a web application using windows form.
13) Write a program for thread operation.
14) Describe structure of .NET Framework.
15) Describe working of CLR.
Practical Examination :
Practical examination will be of three hours that includes performing an experiment/ oral based on syllabus.
Electives for First Semester ( Elective I)
1(A). E-commerce
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Unit I : Introduction and Basic technologies (6 Hrs)
Electronic commerce and Physical Commerce, different type of e-commerce, some e-commerce scenario, Advantages of e-commerce
Basic technologies of Ecommerce:
Client side Programming, Server Side Programming, Database connectivity, session tracking techniques.
Unit II : Advance technologies of E-commerce (7 Hrs)
Mobile Agent, WAP, XML, Data Mining, Rich Internet Application, Web 2.0, REST Web Services, Web Mashup, Working of Search Engines, Internet Security.
Internet Payment System
Characteristics of payment system, SET Protocol for credit card payment, E-cash, E-check, Micropayment system.
Unit III : E-commerce strategies and E-Business (7 Hrs)
Strategies for marketing, Sales and Promotions, Strategies for Purchasing and support activities, Strategies for Web Auctions, Virtual Communities and web portals.
E-Business vs E-commerce, Characteristics of e-Business, e-Business role and their challenges, e-business Requirements, impacts of e-business
Unit IV: E-business strategies (7 Hrs)
Strategic positioning, Levels of e-business strategies, Strategic planning process, Strategic alignment, the consequences of e-Business, Success factors for implementation of e-business strategies. Business models, Business process and collaborations
Unit V : Integration of Application (7 Hrs)
Approaches to Middleware, RPC and RMI, Enterprise Application Integration, e-business Integration, loosely Coupled e-Business solutions for integration, Service Oriented Architecture, EAI and web Services, WS security.
Unit VI : E-commerce Infrastructure (6 Hrs)
Cluster of Servers, Virtualization Techniques, Cloud computing, Server consolidation using cloud, Introduction to Hadoop, HDFS, Google Apps engine.
Text Books :
1.Henry Chan, ‘E-Commerce Fundamentals and application’ Wiley publication.
2.Gary Schneider, ‘Electronics Commerce’ Thomson Course Technology.
3.Michael P, ‘E-Business Organizational and technical foundation’ Wiley Publication.
Reference Books:
1. David, ‘ E- Commerce Strategies, Technology and applications’ Tata McGraw Hill
2. Jeffrey, ‘ Introduction to E-commerce’ Tata, McGraw Hill
3. Brahm, ‘E-Business and Commerce, Strategic Thinking and Practice’ Biztantra
4. Severance, ‘Using Google Aps Engine’ O’reilly
5. White, ‘Hadoop : The Definitive Guide’ O’reilly
1(B). Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
UNIT I: Introduction (7 Hrs)
Software Quality Assurance Framework and standards SQA Framework: What is Quality? Software Quality Assurance, Components of Software Quality Assurance, Software Quality Assurance plan: Steps to develop and implement a Software Quality Assurance Plan Quality Standards: ISO 9000 and Companion ISO Standards, CMM, CMMI, PCMM, Malcom Balridge, 3 Sigma, 6 Sigma.
UNIT II: Software Metrics (8 Hrs)
Software Quality Assurance Metrics and Measurement Software Quality Metrics: Product Quality Metrics, In process Quality Metrics, Metrics for Software Maintenance, Example of Metric Programs “Software Quality Metrics Methodology: Establish Quality Requirement, Identify Software Quality Metrics, Implement the Software Quality Metrics, Analyze Software Metrics Result, Validate the software quality metrics” software quality indicators, fundamentals in Measurement theory
UNIT III: Testing Strategies (7 Hrs)
Software Testing Strategy And Environment Establishing Testing Policy, Structured Approach To Testing, Test Factors, Economics Of System Development Lifecycles (SDLC) Testing. Software Testing Methodology Defects Hard To Find, Verification And Validation, Functional And Structural Testing, Work Bench Concept, Eight Considerations In Developing Testing Methodology, Testing Tactics Checklist
UNIT IV: Testing Techniques (7 Hrs)
Software Testing Techniques Black Box, Boundary Value, Bottom Up, Branch Coverage, Cause Effect Graphing, Crud, Database, Exception, Grey Box, Histograms, Inspections, JADs, Pareto Analysis, Prototyping, Random Testing, Risk Based Testing, Regression Testing, Structured Walk Throughs, Thread Testing, Performance Testing, White Box Testing.
UNIT V: Testing processes (6 Hrs)
Testing Process, Eleven Step Testing Process: Assess Project Management Development Estimate And Status, Develop Test Plan, Requirements Phase Testing, Design Phase Testing, Program Phase Testing, Execute Test And Record Results, Acceptance Test, Report Test Results, Testing Software Installation, Test Software Changes, Evaluate Test Effectiveness.
UNIT VI: Specialized Testing (5 Hrs)
Testing Specialized Systems And Application Testing Clients/Server, Web Applications, Testing Off the Shelf Components, Testing Security, Testing A Data warehouse.
Text Books:
Effective method for software testing, 2nd edition by William E. Perry published by Willey ISBN 13:978,0,7645,9837,1.
2. Software Quality by Mordechai BenMenachem/Garry S.Marliss, by Thomson
Learning publication.
Reference Books:
1. Stephen H. Kan, "Metrics & Models in Software Quality Engineering", Pearson
Education, ISBN 81,297,0175,8
2. Ramesh, Bhattiprolu, " Software Maintenance", Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN 0,07,048345,0
3. Desikan, Ramesh, "Software Testing: Principles and Practices", Pearson Education, ISBN 8l,7758,121,X
4. Burnstein, "Practical Software Testing", Springer International Edition, ISBN 81,8128089,X
1(C). Digital Signal & Image Processing
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
UNIT I : Discrete Time Signal and System (5 Hrs)
Introduction: Signals, Systems and Signal processing, classification of signals, system, LTI system, Frequency domain representation of DTS & Signals. Convolution, Correlation.
UNIT II : Transformation techniques (10 Hrs)
Introduction, Z-transforms , Inverse Z-Transforms, properties, System Function , Application of Z-Transform, Unilateral Z-Transform
Discrete Fourier Transform, Introduction , DFT and its properties, FFT algorithms ,direct, divide and conquer approach, radix,2 algorithm, 2,D DFT & FFT .
UNIT III : Introduction to Digital Image Processing Systems (5 Hrs)
Introduction, Brightness adoption and discrimination , Image sampling and quantization, basic relationship between pixels.
Image Transforms, Introduction to Fourier Transform, properties of Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Slant Transform, Optimum Transform: Karhunen, Loeve (Hotelling) Transform , Radon ,Comparison of Transform. Introduction to wavelet transform.
UNIT IV : Image Enhancement (8 Hrs)
Image Enhancement in the Spatial domain : Spatial domain, point operation and Neighborhood Operation , Gray Level Transformation, Median Filter , Bit plane slicing , Histogram Processing, Arithmetic and Logic Operation, Spatial filtering: Introduction, smoothing and sharpening filters., Image Enhancement in the frequency domain: Frequency domain filters: smoothing and sharpening filters, homomorphic filtering.
UNIT V : Image Restoration and Denoising (6 Hrs)
Introduction: Image Degradation, Types of Image Blur , Classification of image restoration Techniques , Image Restoration Model , Linear and non-Linear image restoration Technique, Blind deconvolution, Image Denoising, Classification of Noise in Image, Trimmed Average Filter, Applications of Image restoration.
UNIT VI : Image segmentation (8 Hrs)
Detections of discontinuities, edge linking and boundary detection, thresholding, region based segmentation, Hough’s transform
Image Data Compression, Fundamentals, redundancies: coding, inter pixel, psychovisual, fidelity criteria, image compression models, error free compression, lossy Compression
Text Books :
1 Introduction to Digital signal processing ,John G. Proakins, D.G. Manolakis (Maxwell Macmillan Int.)
2 R. C.Gonsales, R.E.Woods, “Digital Image Processing”,Second edition, Pearson Education
Reference Books :
1 S.Salivahanan “ Digital Signal processing “ TMH
2 Anil K.jain, ‘Fundamentals of Image Processing’, PHI
3 s.Jayaraman , S Esakkirajan , T Veerakumar “ Digital Image Processing “ Mc Graw Hill.
4 Tamal Bose “ Digital Signal and Image Processing “ John Wiley & Sons , Inc.
1(D). Distributed Systems
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Unit 1. Fundamentals (6 Hrs)
Distributed computing, system model, distributed operating system, designing operating system, Introduction to DCE
Unit 2. Message Passing (7 Hrs)
Desirable features message passing system, Issues in message passing, synchronization, buffering, multi datagram messages ,Encoding and decoding of message data, Process addressing, Failure handling, Group communication.
Unit 3. Remote procedure call (7 Hrs)
RPC model, Transparency of RPC, implementing RPC mechanism, Stub generation, Marshaling arguments and Results, Server Management, Parameter passing Semantics, call Semantics, Communication protocols for RPCs, Complicated RPC Client server binding, Exception Handling, Security, special types of RPCs, RPCs in Heterogeneous Environments, Lightweight RPC, Optimizations for better performance.
Unit 4. Distributed Shared Memory and Synchronization (8 Hrs)
General architecture of DSM systems, Design and implementation of DSM, Granularity, structure of shared memory space, consistency models, Replacement Strategy, Thrashing, other approaches to DSM, Heterogeneous DSM, and Advantages of DSM
Clock synchronization, event ordering, mutual exclusion, Deadlock, Election Algorithm
Unit 5. Resource and Process Management (7 Hrs)
Desirable Features of global Scheduling algorithm, Task assignment approach, Load balancing approach, load sharing approach, Introduction to process management, process migration, Threads
Unit 6. Distributed File Systems and Naming (8 Hrs)
Introduction, good features of DFS, File models, File Accessing models, File sharing Semantics, File Caching Schemes, File Replication, Fault Tolerance, Atomic Transactions and design principles.
Naming : Introduction, Desirable features of Naming system, Fundamental concepts, System oriented Names, Object locating mechanisms, human oriented Names, Name Caches and Naming and Security
Text Books:
1. Pradeep K Sinha “ Distributed Operating Systems : Concepts and design” IEEE computer society press
2. A. Tanenbaum “Distributed Operating System” Pearson Edition
3. PUDER, ROMER “Distributed Systems Architecture : Middleware approach” ELSEVIER publication.
Reference Books:
1. G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore and T. Kindberg “Distributed Systems : Concepts and design” Pearson Edition
2. M. Singhal, N. Shivaratri “ Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems” TMH
1(E). Human Computer Interaction
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
UNIT ,I : Introduction (8 Hrs)
Importance of user Interface ,definition, importance of good design. Benefits of good design. A brief history of Screen design.
The graphical user interface ,popularity of graphics, the concept of direct manipulation, graphical system, Characteristics, Web user ,Interface popularity, characteristics, Principles of user interface.
UNIT ,II : Design process (5 Hrs)
Human interaction with computers, importance of human characteristics human consideration, Human interaction speeds, understanding business junctions.
UNIT ,III : Screen Designing (8 Hrs)
Design goals ,Screen planning and purpose, organizing screen elements, ordering of screen data and content ,screen navigation and flow ,Visually pleasing composition ,amount of information ,focus and emphasis ,presentation information simply and meaningfully ,information retrieval on web ,statistical graphics ,Technological consideration in interface design.
UNIT ,IV : GUI design (8 Hrs)
Windows ,New and Navigation schemes selection of window, selection of devices based and screen based controls.
Components ,text and messages, Icons and increases ,Multimedia, colors, uses problems, choosing colors.
UNIT ,V : Software tools (5 Hrs)
Specification methods, interface ,Building Tools.
UNIT ,VI : Interaction Devices (6 Hrs)
Keyboard and function keys, pointing devices ,speech recognition digitization and generation ,image and video displays ,drivers.
Text Books :
1. The essential guide to user interface design, Wilbert O Galitz, Wiley DreamTech.
2. Designing the user interface. 3rd Edition Ben Shneidermann , Pearson Education Asia.
Reference Books :
1. Human ,Computer Interaction. ALAN DIX, JANET FINCAY, GRE GORYD, ABOWD, RUSSELL BEALG, PEARSON, ISBN 978,81,317,1703,5.
2. Interaction Design PRECE, ROGERS, SHARPS. Wiley Dreamtech,
3. User Interface Design, Soren Lauesen , Pearson Education
Project work
Part – I
Termwork : 50 Marks Practical : 50 Marks
Part – II
Termwork : 50 Marks Practical : 50 Marks
Guidelines :
Two different projects can be done in Semester I and Semester II or a single project can be continued in two semesters depending on scope of the project and approval from the Department.
2. The batch size for carrying out project in first part has to be of maximum 3 students.
3. Batch can select any topic of their interest and should carry the work in the college laboratory under the supervision of guide allotted by the department.
4. The project work may be related to hardware/ software or combination of both. Students are expected to present an innovative idea in the recent fields of Information Technology, Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Telecommunication.
Students can certainly take ideas from anywhere, but be sure that they should evolve them in the unique way to suit their project requirements.
The project work can be undertaken in a research institute or organization / company / any business establishment.
Student must consult internal guide along with external guide (if any) in selection of topic. Out of the total projects 35 percent may be allowed as to be industry projects, 65 percent projects must be in house.
Head of department and senior staff in the department will take decision regarding projects.
9 . If a one semester project is undertaken then,
(a) For Project I : The group should complete the Project I in Semester I only, and prepare a project report in SpiralBound which contains following details:,
Abstract, Literature survey, Problem Statement, Requirement Analysis, Project design, Implementation Details, Technologies used, Results, Conclusion and References.
(b) For Project II : The group should complete the Project II in Semester II only, and prepare a project report in SpiralBound which contains following details:,
Abstract, Literature survey, Problem Statement, Requirement Analysis, Project design, Implementation Details, Technologies used, Results, Conclusion and References.
10 . If Part –I project is continued for Part-II then in part-I the report should be submitted in SpiralBound whereas in part-II the final report should be submitted in HardBound(the write up for this should not exceed more than 60,70 pages) containing complete implementation of the Project with results, conclusion and future work.
11. Standard format for final project report :
The final project report complete in all respect with the following should be prepared by the group at the end of respective semester.
Ø Abstract
Ø Introduction
Ø Aims and objectives
Ø Literature Surveyed (if any)
Ø Existing system (if any)
Ø Problem statement, design and specifications.
Ø System definition ,requirement analysis
Ø Details of Hardware & Software
Ø System design / Methodology(your approach to solve the problem)
Ø System implementation–code documentation, dataflow diagram, algorithm.
Ø Results (outputs)
Ø Conclusion
Ø Future Scope & References
12 .Final Project Submission
The group should submit the following
(i) The workable project.
(ii) The Project Report as per above format
(iii) CD containing: Project documentation, Implementation code, required utilities, Software’s and user Manual.
Project Examination
The project work carried out by the student will be evaluated by a panel of two examiners appointed by the university. Students have to give Oral, Demonstration, and Seminar (PowerPoint Presentation) on the Projects developed by them.
1. Business Economics and Management
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Course Objectives :
1. To introduce the concept of Business economics.
2. To understand the financial domain in business economics.
3. To understand general and personal management skills and techniques.
Unit 1: Industrial Economics (8 Hrs)
Elasticity of demand and supply , Consumption laws, Types of Competitions, Keynesian employment theory, Production, planning and control.
Unit 2 Money Banking & Financial Management (8 Hrs)
Functions of commercial and central banking, The problem of foreign exchange , Sources of industrial finance, Management accounting.
Unit 3: General Management (8 Hrs)
Principles of management, scientific management, Advanced techniques in management: MBE, MBO, MBC, MBP, MIS, Quantitative techniques in management.
Unit 4 : Marketing Management (8 Hrs)
Definition of marketing, Market research, Need for marketing, Sales forecasting Product life cycle, Market segmentation.
Unit 5 : Personnel Management & Industrial Psychology (8 Hrs)
Selection and recruitment, Training and development, Job evaluation and merit rating, Worker participation, Quality, Work life.
Text books:
GUPTA, G.S., "Managerial Economics", Tata McGraw Hill.
RASAD, L.N., "Principles of Management Theory and Practice", Sultan & Chand.
DAVAR, S.R., "Personal Management & Industrial Relations", Vikas Publishing (P) Ltd.
2. Mobile Computing
Term work : 25 Marks Theory : 80 Marks
Practical : 25 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Course Objectives:
•To learn the basics of Wireless voice and data communications technologies.• To study the working principles of wireless LAN and its standards.• To build knowledge on various Mobile Computing algorithms.• To build skills in working with Wireless Application Protocols.
Unit 1: Introduction to Mobile communication (8 Hrs)
Need and Applications of wireless communication, Wireless Data Technologies, Market for mobile communication, frequencies for radio transmission, Mobile and wireless devices. Frequency for radio transmission, Signals, Antennas, Signal propagation, Multiplexing, Modulation, Spread spectrum, Cellular Systems, Motivation for specialized MAC, SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, comparison of S/T/F/CDMA.
Unit 2: Telecommunication Systems (6 Hrs)
GSM: Mobile services, System architecture, Radio interface, Protocols, Localization And Calling, Handover, Security, New data services; DECT: System architecture, Protocol architecture; TETRA, UMTS and IMT,2000: UMTS Basic architecture, UTRA FDD mode, UTRA TDD mode.
Unit 3: Wireless LAN (8 Hrs)
Infrared vs. Radio transmission, Infrastructure and Ad hoc Networks, IEEE 802.11: System architecture, Protocol architecture, Physical layer, Medium access control layer, MAC management, Newer developments; Bluetooth: User scenarios, Architecture, Radio Layer, Baseband layer, Link manager protocol, L2CAP, security SDP, Profiles.
Unit 4 : Mobile Network Layer and Transport Layer (9 Hrs)
Mobile IP: Goals, assumptions and requirements, Entities and Terminology, IP packet delivery, Agent advertisement and discovery, Registration, Tunneling and Encapsulation , Optimizations, Reverse tunneling. Ipv6, DHCP. Transport Layer : Traditional TCP: Congestion control, Slow start, Fast retransmit/fast recovery, Implications on mobility; Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast retransmit/fast recovery, Transmission/time out freezing, Selective retransmission, Transaction oriented TCP
Unit 5 : Mobile Handheld Devices and Mobile Internet (7 Hrs)
Characteristics of PDAs, Palm handhelds, Palm OS ,memory management, communication and networking, Windows CE, Memory architecture, memory management, processes and threads, scheduling, real time performance, Windows mobile OS, Symbian OS Design, symbian structure. Web Programming model, WAP Programming model, WAP protocol stack, WAP 2.0, WAP Gateway, WAE.
Unit 6 : MANET, WSN and Security in Mobile Computing (7 Hrs)
MANET characteristics, Classifications, technologies for ad hoc networks, Routing in MANETs, Proactive routing protocols, DSDV protocol, Reactive routing protocols, DSR, AODV, Comparison between DSR and AODV. Wireless Sensor Networks, applications, differences from MANET, design issues, WSN architecture, routing protocols for WSN, Case study, Mica mote, Tiny OS, development work in WSN. Wimax Features and applications, 3G Basics, Wimax versus 3G and Wi,Fi, RFID. Security threats to wireless networks, IEEE 802.11 security through WEP, Bluetooth security, WAP 2.0 security.
Text Books:
Jochen Schiller, ‘Mobile Communications’, Pearson Ed. Ltd, Second Edition, ISBN 978,81,317,2426,2.
Kumkum Garg, ‘ Mobile Computing, Theory and practice’, Pearson Ed. Ltd, ISBN 978,81,317,3166,6
Asoke K Talukdar and Roopa R Yavagal, ‘Mobile Computing–Technology, Applications and Service Creation’, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN 0,07,058807.
Reference Books:
J G Andrews, A Ghosh, Rias Muhammed, ‘ Fundamentals of Wimax, Understanding Broadband Wireless Networking’, Pearson Ed. Ltd, ISBN 978,81,317,2635,8
William Stallings, ‘ Wireless Communication and Networks’ , Pearson Ed. Ltd , Second Edition, ISBN 978,81,317,2093,6
Kaveh Pahlavan, Prasanth Krishnamoorthy, “Principles of Wireless Networks”, PHI/Pearson Education.
Mobile Computing Lab
Term Work :
The term work shall consist of at least 8 programs/ assignments based on the syllabus of subject Mobile Computing.
List of Programs/Assignments :
1.Write a simple program for displaying “Hello, World” on your mobile screen using J2ME Wireless Toolkit. Test output in different Emulators provided by J2ME Wireless Toolkit and Transfer it to the mobile. 2. Write a program for sending SMS to your friend by using your mobile phone. Use J2ME Wireless Toolkit to develop your application. Test it in the Emulator provided by Toolkit and Transfer it to your mobile. 3. Develop a simple calculator for your mobile by using J2ME Wireless Toolkit.4. Design and Program Income Tax and Loan EMI Calculator for Mobile Phones.5. Write a simple program to take a snapshot by using the Camera in your mobile. Save the snapshot in the image or video format. Use Camera Media API provided J2ME. Test it in Emulator and Transfer it to your mobile.6. Write a program for Writing and formatting of text in WML.7. Write a program for Navigation between cards and deck.8. Write a program for Displaying of Image using WML.9. Write a program for Table properties of WML.10. Write a program for acquiring user inputs in WML.11. Write a program for WML scripts basics.12. Write a program for If ,else structure of WML script.13. Assignment on latest Open Source Operating Systems for Mobile.14. Implementation of Mobile Network using Network Simulator NS2/Qualnet or any other simulator for wireless networks15. Mobile protocol study using omnet++16.Setup & Configuration of Wireless Access Point (AP)17. Wireless Network Security : kismet and Netstumbler18. A site visit can be arranged to Local BSNL or any other wireless service provider to study GSM Base Stations, MSC, etc.
Practical Examination:Practical examination will be of three hours that includes performing an experiment/ oral based on syllabus
3.Grid and Cloud Computing
Term work : 25 Marks Theory : 80 Marks
Practical : 25 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
Course Objectives
1. To understand the concept of grid and cloud computing.
2. To understand Services of cloud computing.
3. To know the various applications of grid and cloud computing.
Unit I: Introduction (8 Hrs)
The Grid , Past, Present, Future, A New Infrastructure for 21st Century Science, The Evolution of the Grid , Grids and Grid Technologies, Programming models , A Look at a Grid Enabled Server and Parallelization Techniques ,Grid applications
Unit II: Anatomy of the Grid (8 Hrs)
The concept of virtual organizations–Grid architecture–Grid architecture and relationship to other Distributed Technologies–computational and data Grids, semantic grids, Open grid services architecture, Open grid services infrastructure.
Unit III: Cloud Computing Introduction (7 Hrs)
Cloud Computing Introduction, From, Collaboration to cloud, Working of cloud computing, pros and cons, benefits, developing cloud computing services, Cloud service development, discovering cloud services
Unit IV: Cloud Computing for Everyone (6 Hrs)
Centralizing email communications, cloud computing for community, collaborating on schedules, collaborating on group projects and events, cloud computing for corporation, mapping schedules managing projects, presenting
Unit V: Using Cloud Services (6 Hrs)
Collaborating on calendars, Schedules and task management, exploring on line scheduling and planning, collaborating on event management, collaborating on contact management, collaborating on project management, collaborating on word processing, spreadsheets, and databases.
Unit VI: Outside the Cloud (5 Hrs)
Evaluating web mail services, Evaluating instant messaging, Evaluating web conference tools, creating groups on social networks, Evaluating on line Groupware, collaborating via blogs and wikis
Text Books:
Fran Bermn, Geoffrey Fox, Anthony Hey J.G., “Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality”, Wiley, USA, 2003
Joshy Joseph, Craig Fallenstein, “Grid Computing”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, ISBN,978,81,317,0885,9
Michael Miller, “ Cloud Computing”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, ISBN,978,81,317,2533,7
Reference Books:
Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, “The Grid2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure”. Morgan Kaufman, New Delhi, 2004
Ahmar Abbas, “Grid Computing: Practical Guide to Technology and Applications”, Delmar Thomson Learning, USA, 2004
Gautam Shroff, “ Enterprise Cloud Computing,Technology, Architecture, Applications” Cambridge University Press, ISBN,9781107648890.
Roger Jennings, “Cloud Computing with the Windows Azure Platform”, Wiley.
Moyer, ‘ Building Applications in Cloud: Concepts, Patterns and Projects’ Pearson Edu.
Grid and Cloud Computing Lab
Term work :
Any 10 practical based on the syllabus.
Practical examination :
Practical examination will be of three hours that includes performing an experiment/ oral based on syllabus.
4. Computer Lab -V
Termwork : 25 Marks Practical : 25 Marks
Course Objectives :
To get introduced to the concepts of open source systems.
To have hands on practical implementations based Linux O.S.
To get acquainted with web application development.
At least 15 programs should be done in Computer Laboratory covering the following topics of Open Source Software Technologies.
Unit I : Open Source and Linux (4 Hrs)
Open Source Definition, The distribution terms of open source software, open source technology importance, Free and Open Source Software ( FOSS ), LAMP ( Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Python, and Perl.). Benefits, Perspectives of Open Source software Linux and Open Source, Linux Usage Basics: Logging into the system, changing users and editing text files. Running Commands and Getting Help,
Browsing the File system, Users, Groups and Permissions.
Unit II : Linux Administration (4 Hrs)
Installation of Linux interactively, Perform user and group administration, Administer the Linux printing subsystem, Automate tasks with at, cron, Install, update, query and remove software packages with RPM
Unit III : Linux Application (4 Hrs)
Accessing and Running Applications: cc compiler, gcc Compiler, Mozilla Firefox. Multimedia in Linux : Listening to Audio, Playing video, Using Digital Camera, Recording music / video CDs. Publishing: Open office, Working with Graphics, Printing Documents, Displaying documents with Ghost script and Acrobat, Using Scanners driven by SANE.
Unit IV : Apache and PHP (4 Hrs)
Introduction to Web server. Installing Apache on Linux: httpd service. PHP : Testing Installation. Basics of PHP scripts, Variables, Data types, Operators and Expressions, Constants, Flow control functions , If statement, Loops, Arrays , Strings , Dates and Times , Forms.
Unit V : MySQL Server and Application (4 Hrs)
MySQL : Configuring MySQL Server, working with MySQL Databases, MySQL Tables, SQL Commands ,INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, REPLACE, DELETE. Date and Time functions in MySQL. PHP ,MySQL Application Development : Connecting to MySQL with PHP, Inserting data with PHP, Retrieving data with PHP. Developing PHP scripts for dynamic web page like Feedback form, online admission form, online test.
Reference Books:
1 . Julie C Meloni, ‘ PHP, MySQL and Apache’ Pearson Education
2.James Lee, Brent Ware, ‘ Open Source Web Development with LAMP’ Pearson Education 3. The Complete Reference Linux Peterson Tata McGRAW HILL
4. Red Hat Linux Bible Christopher Negus Wiley Publishing
Internet Resources:
1 Open Source Phenomenon http://opensource.org/
2 Open Source Technology Brief: http://www128.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/newto/
3 Open Source : Benefits http://www.sun.com/software/opensource/
4 Beginner's Guide to Linux , Michael Jordan http://www.linux.org/lessons/beginner/
5 Linux Course for Intermediate Level Users , Michael Jordan
6 PHP Manual http://www.php.net/tut.php
List of Experiments:
1. Installation of Linux
2. Use of various commands
3. Use of Text Processing Tools : grep, cut,
4. User and Group Creation
5. Back up using tar
6. Installation using RPM
7. C/C++ program using cc / gcc
8. Configuring Apache
9. PHP script for sorting the marks
10. PHP scripts for other tasks
11. MySQL Installation , Configuration and Testing
12. Design of admission form using PHP ,MYSQL
Practical Examination:
Practical examination will be of three hours that includes performing an experiment/ oral based on syllabus
Electives for Second Semester ( Elective-II)
2(A). IT Infrastructure Management
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
UNIT I :Infrastructure Management Overview (7 Hrs)
Definitions, Infrastructure management activities, Evolutions of Systems since 1960s
(Mainframes to Midrange to PCs to Client server computing to New age systems) and their management, growth of internet, current business demands and IT systems issues, complexity of today's computing environment, Total cost of complexity issues, Value of Systems management for business.
UNIT II :Preparing for Infrastructure Management (8 Hrs)
Factors to consider in designing IT organizations and IT infrastructure, Determining
customer's Requirements, Identifying System Components to manage, Exist Processes, Data, applications, Tools and their integration, Patterns for IT systems management, Introduction to the design process for information systems, Models, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
UNIT III: Service Delivery Processes (7 Hrs)
Service level management, financial management and costing, IT services continuity
management, Capacity management, Availability management.
UNIT IV: Service Support Processes (7 Hrs)
Configuration Management, Service desk. Incident management. Problem management, Change management, Release management.
UNIT V: Storage and Security Management (7 Hrs)
Introduction Security, Identity management, Single sign on, Access Management, Basics of network security, LDAP fundamentals, Intrusion detection, firewall, security information management Introduction to Storage, Backup & Restore, Archive & Retrieve, Space Management,
UNIT VI: Database Recovery (4 Hrs)
SAN & NAS, Disaster Recovery, Hierarchical space management, Database & Application protection, Bare machine recovery, Data retention
Text/Reference Books:
1. Foundations of IT Service Management: based on ITIL, by Jan Van Bon, Van Haren Publishing, 2nd edition.
2. High Availability: Design, Techniques, and Process, by Floyd Piedad, Michael Hawkins, Prentice Hall.
3. IT Organization: Building a Worldclass Infrastructure, by Harris Kem, Stuart Gaiup, Guy Nemiro, Publisher: Prentice Hall.
4. IT Systems Management: Designing, Implementing, and Managing World Class Infrastructures Rich Schiesser, Prentice Hall PTR.
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three hours Test : 20 Marks
UNIT I (6 Hrs)
Benefits of biometric security ,Verification and identification ,Basic working of biometric matching ,Accuracy ,False match rate ,False non match rate ,Failure to enroll rate ,Derived metrics ,Layered biometric solutions.
UNIT II (7 Hrs)
Finger scan, Features, Components, Operation (Steps), Competing finger Scan technologies ,Strength and weakness, Types of algorithms used for interpretation. Facial Scan, Features, Components, Operation(Steps),Competing facial Scan technologies , Strength and weakness.
UNIT III (7 Hrs)
Iris Scan, Features, Components, Operation (Steps), Competing iris Scan technologies, Strength and weakness.
Voice Scan, Features, Components, Operation (Steps), Competing voice Scan (facial) technologies, Strength and weakness.
UNIT IV (7 Hrs)
Other physiological biometrics, Hand scan, Retina scan, AFIS (Automatic Finger Print Identification Systems), Behavioral Biometrics, Signature scan, keystroke scan.
UNIT V (7 Hrs)
Biometrics Application ,Biometric Solution Matrix ,Bio privacy ,Comparison of privacy factor in different biometrics technologies ,Designing privacy sympathetic biometric systems. Biometric standards ,(BioAPI , BAPI) ,Biometric middleware
UNIT VI (6 Hrs)
Biometrics for Network Security. Statistical measures of Biometrics. Biometric Transactions.
Text Books :
1. Biometrics ,Identity Verification in a Networked World , Samir Nanavati,
Michael Thieme, Raj Nanavati, WILEY, Dream Tech
2. Biometrics for Network Security, Paul Reid, Pearson Education.
Reference Book:
1. Biometrics, The Ultimate Reference, John D. Woodward, Jr. Wiley Dreamtech.
2(C). Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three hours Test : 20 Marks
UNIT I : Introduction (6 Hrs)
Overview of OOSD : Introduction, Object Oriented Systems Development Methodology, Why an object orientation?
Object Basics : OO Philosophy, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Static and Dynamic binding, Object and Identity, Object Persistence.
Object Oriented Systems Development : A use case driven approach.
UNIT II : Methodologies (6 Hrs)
Object Oriented Methodology : Rumbaugh et al.’s Object Modeling Technique, The Booch Methodology, The Jacobson et al. Methodologies.
The Unified Approach : OO Analysis, OO Design, Iterative Development and Continuous Testing.
UNIT III : Unified Modeling Language (8 Hrs)
Introduction, Why Modeling?, Static and Dynamic Models, UML Diagrams, UML Class Diagram, Use Case Diagram, UML Dynamic Modeling, Model Management.
UNIT IV : Object Oriented Analysis (6 Hrs)
Introduction, Why Analysis is a Difficult Activity?
Use Case Model : Use Cases under the microscope, Uses and Extends Associations, Identifying the Actors, Guidelines for finding Use Cases, Naming a Use Case.
UNIT V : Object Oriented Design (8 Hrs)
Object Oriented Design Process and Design Axioms, Introduction, The OOSD Process, OO Design Axioms, Corollaries,
Designing Classes, Refining Attributes, Designing Methods and Protocols.
UNIT VI : Access layer and View layer (6 Hrs)
OO Databases versus Traditional Databases, Object Relational Systems, Designing Access Layer Classes.
View Layer, Introduction, User Interface Design as a Creative Process, Macro Level Process, Micro Level Process.
Text Books :
1. Ali Bahrami : Object Oriented Systems Development, Tata McGraw Hill Edition.
2. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson : The Unified Modeling
Language User Guide, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
1. Meilir Page, Jones: Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML,
Pearson Education.
2. Pascal Roques: Modeling Software Systems Using UML2, WILEY,
Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Atul Kahate: Object Oriented Analysis & Design, The Mc-Graw,Hill
4. Mark Priestley: Practical Object Oriented Design with UML,TATA
5. Applying UML and Patterns: An introduction to Object ,Oriented Analysis
and Design and Unified Process, Craig Larman, Pearson Education.
2(D). Enterprise Resource Planning
Theory: 80 Marks Paper : Three Hours Test : 20 Marks
UNIT I: Introduction to ERP (8 Hrs)
Introduction to ERP : Introduction, Evolution of ERP, what is ERP? Reasons for growth, Advantages, Reasons of failure, advantages and Usages of ERP, Enterprise Overview : Introduction, Integrated Management Information, Business Modelling, Integrated Data Model.
UNIT II :ERP Related Technologies (8 Hrs)
ERP & Related Technologies : BPR, MIS, DSS, EIS, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, OLAP, Supply Chain Management.ERP and Manufacturing perspective: ERP, CAD/CAM, MRP, BOM,DRP, JIT & Kanban, PDM, Data Management, MTO, MTS, ATO, ETO, CTO.
UNIT III: ERP Functional Modules (6 Hrs)
ERP Modules : Finance, Plant Maintenance, Quality Management, Human Resource Management system & Material Management.
UNIT IV: Present and Future (6 Hrs)
Benefits of ERP, ERP Market : Market Overview, Marketplace Dynamics, The changing ERP market, Indian Scenario.
UNIT V : ERP Implementation (6 Hrs)
ERP Implementation Life Cycle : Introduction, Objectives of ERP Implementation, Different phases of ERP implementation, Why do many ERP Implementations Fails, Vendors, Consultants and User : Introduction, Vendors, Consultants, Employees and Employee Resistance, Reasons for Employee Resistance, Dealing with Employee Resistance, Contracts with Vendors, Consultants and Employees.
UNIT VI :Present and Future (6 Hrs)
Future Directions in ERP : Introduction, New market, New Channels, Faster Implementation Methodologies, Application Platforms, New Business Segments, Need Based Applications, Expenditures, Reduction in Implementation Time, Open Source Web enabled and wireless Technologies, Enterprise Application Integration.
ERP Case Studies.
Text Book:
1. Enterprise Resource Planning, Alexis Leon, THM
Reference Book
1. ERP Odysseys, Vijay Mukhi’s Unadkat and Kotecha, SPD
2(E). Management Information System
Theory : 80 Marks Paper : Three hours Test : 20 Marks
Unit I:Introduction (6 Hrs)
Management Information System (MIS): Concept, MIS: Definition, Role of the Management Information System, Impact of the Management Information System, MIS and the User, Management as a Control System, MIS: A Support to the Management, Management Effectiveness and MIS, Organisation as a System, MIS: Organisation Effectiveness, MIS for a Digital Firm, Information Technology: Impact on Society, Case Studies.
Unit II: Decision Making (8 Hrs)
Decision Making Concepts, Decision Making Process, Decision Analysis by Analytical Modeling, Behavioral Concepts in Decision Making, Organisational Decision Making, MIS and Decision Making, Case Study, Information, Knowledge, Business Intelligence: Information Concepts, Information: A Quality Product, Classification of the Information, Methods of Data and Information Collection, Value of the Information, General Model of a Human as an Information Processor, Summary of Information Concepts and their Implications, Knowledge and Knowledge Management Systems, Business Intelligence, MIS, and the Information and Knowledge, Case Studies.
Unit III:Systems Engineering (6 Hrs)
System Concepts, Systems Control, Types of System, Handling System Complexity, Classes of Systems, General Model of MIS, The Need for System Analysis, System Analysis of the Existing System, System Analysis of a New Requirement, System Development Model, Structured System Analysis and Design (SSAD), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), System Development Through OOT: A Use Case Model, OOSAD Development Life Cycle, Case Studies.
Development Process of MIS: Development of Long Range Plans of the MIS, Ascertaining the Class of Information, Determining the Information Requirement, Development and Implementation of the MIS, Management of Information Quality in the MIS, Organisation for Development of MIS, MIS: Development Process Model, Case Studies.
Unit IV:Strategic Design of MIS (8 Hrs)
Strategic Management of the Business, Why Strategic Design of MIS?, Balance Score Card, Score Card and Dash Board, Strategic Design of MIS, Development Process Steps for Strategic Design (SD) of MIS, Illustrating SD of MIS for Big Bazzaar, Strategic Management of Business and SD of MIS, Business Strategy Determination, Business Strategy Implementation , Case Studies.
Business Process ReEngineering (BPR):Introduction, Business Process, Process Model of the Organisation Value Stream Model of the Organisation, What Delays the Business Process?, Relevance of Information Technology (IT), MIS and BPR, Case Studies.
Unit V:Applications of MIS (6 Hrs)
Applications in Manufacturing Sector, Personnel Management (PM), Financial Management (FM), Production Management (PM), Raw Materials Management (RMM), Marketing Management, Corporate Overview, Case Studies. Applications in Service Sector, Introduction to Service Sector , Creating a Distinctive Service, Service Concept, Service Process Cycle and Analysis, Customer Service Design, Service Management System, MIS Applications in Service Industry, MIS: Service Industry
Case Studies.
Unit VI:DSS and Knowledge Management (6 Hrs)
Decision Support Systems (DSS): Concept and Philosophy, Group Decision Support System (GDSS), DSS Application in Enterprise, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Systems, Knowledge Based Expert System (KBES), MIS and the Benefits of DSS. Intranet/Extranet, Impact of Web on Strategic Management, Web Enabled Business Management, Enterprise: Content Management System (CMS), Enterprise Portal, MIS in Web Environment. Comprehensive cases of MIS, Tata Home Finance Ltd. (A Comprehensive Case Study on MIS), Techno Cases in
E-Enterprise Management, Case Digest of SCM, FS Square Infotech Ltd. (FSIT), Home Land Groceries and Stores
Text Book
Waman S Jawadekar , ‘ Management Information Systems ,Text & Cases’ , Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books
James A O Brien, G M Marakas, Ramesh Behl , ‘ Management Information Systems’ , Ninth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.