Thursday, August 23, 2012

Class: BE(IT)_2012-13 Subject: DMDW Assignment I

MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of IT
Semester I (2012-13)
Class: BE(IT)       Subject: DMDW         Assignment I

1.   What is Data warehouse? Explain in detail.

2.   Discuss the characteristics of DW.

3.   Why data in data warehouse needs to be integrated? Explain.

4.   Give the comparison between DBMs and DW.

5.   What is data cube? Explain with an appropriate example.

6.   Data ware house data is non-volatile. Why?

7.   Explain Star schema with an appropriate example.

8.   Explain the DW applications.

9.   Write down the DMQL for star schema.

10. What is OLAP? Discuss in detail.

11. Explain OLAP operations with examples.

12.  Explain the benefits of using DW for the businesses.

13.  Explain the steps of data warehouse design process.

14.  What is concept hierarchy? Explain with an example.

15.  What is the difference between OLTP and OLAP? 

16.  Explain Snow-flake schema with an appropriate example.


Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A