Monday, February 24, 2014

MC Assignment I Class : BE (IT) Semester II 2013-14

Class : BE (IT) Semester II  2013-14
Assignment I
Subject: MC

1. Explain multiplexing with its four types.
2.Compare IR and radio transmission with their advantages and drawbacks.
3.Explain three versions of IEEE PHY Layer.
4.Discuss DFWMAC-DCF with CSMA/CA.
5.Explain path loss of radio signal.
6.Compare Infrastrucure and Adhoc architectures of IEEE 802.11.
7. What additional functions are needed for wireless MAC and Why?
8. Draw and explain the IEEE 802.11 FHSS frame format.
9. A data of 20 bytes is transmitted on IEEE 802.11 MAC. Calculate the frame size for FHSS and DSSS frames.
10.How priorities are defined in IEEE 802.11 MAC ? Explain different IFS for priorities.
11. Explain the working of classical and slotted ALOHA.
12. How the hidden and exposed termainals problem is solved in 802.11 MAC?
13. How RTS/CTS based media access mechanism works ? Explain.
14.Compare FDMA, SDMA, TDMA and CDMA.
15.Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 MAC packet structure.
16. The first 8 bits of frame control of 802.11 MAC are :
       What is the type and function of this frame ?

*****************************All The Best***************************************

Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A