MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of IT
Semester II (2014-15)
Class: BE(IT) Subject: MC Assignment III
Department of IT
Semester II (2014-15)
Class: BE(IT) Subject: MC Assignment III
1. Explain different entities of mobile IP with
suitable diagram.
2. How does registration on layer 3 of a mobile node
3. How tunnelling works in mobile IP using IP-in-IP
4. What is encapsulation? Discuss the advantages and
drawbacks of three
techniques in mobile IP.
5. What are the differences between AODV and the
standard distance vector
6. What is minimal encapsulation? Expain with
suitable diagram.
7. What are advantages and disadvantages of I-TCP?
8. What is
snooping TCP? What are its benefits?
9. Compare different protocols for mobile transport
10. Calculate the upper bound on TCP’s bandwidth for
a network having
RTT of
20 ms, error rate of 10-10 and
MSS of 1000 bytes.
11. Give comparison between DSR and AODV algorithms
for MANET.
12. Enlist and explain applications of wireless
sensor networks.
13. Draw and explain WAP protocol model.
14. How an AP will authenticate mobile node using
802.11 WEP?
15. How authentication is done in Bluetooth network?
16. What is DHCP? Explain the working of DHCP