Monday, February 20, 2017

Class: BE(IT) Subject: MC Assignment I

MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of IT
Semester II (2016-17)
Class: BE(IT)       Subject: MC         Assignment I
1.     What are the applications of mobile and wireless communication? Explain in detail.
2.     What are the design goals of wireless LAN? Why?
3.     What are the drawbacks of mobile and wireless communication? Explain.
4.     Give comparison between wireless networks and fixed networks.
5.     Give comparison between FDMA, TDMA, SDMA and CDMA.
6.     What are advantages of radio communication over IR communication?
7.     What are the different digital modulation techniques? Discuss in brief
8.     Compare 802.3 and 802.11 standards.
9.     Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 infrastructure-based architecture.
10. Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 ad-hoc architecture.
11.  State and explain the functions of 802.11 layers
12. What additional functions are required for wireless MAC protocol? Why?
13. Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 FHSS frame format.
14. Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 DSSS frame format.
15.  A ftp protocol delivers a video file of 100MB on 802.11 network having 10Mbps speed. Calculate the size of FHSS, DSSS frames and time required for transmission.
16. Calculate Ethernet frame size for the above transmission of Q.15.

      Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A