Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Class: BE(IT) Subject: MC Assignment I

MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of IT
Semester II (2018-19)
Class: BE(IT)       Subject: MC         Assignment I

1.     Discuss the applications of mobile and wireless communication.
2.     Classify the multiplexing techniques in wireless communication systems.
3.     Compare FDMA, TDMA and SDMA.
4.     Distinguish between 802.3 and 802.11.
5.     How the hidden terminal problem is solved in 802.11 protocol?
6.     What are the design goals of wireless LAN? Why?
7.     Why IR signals are not generally used and radio signals are used for wireless communications such as wifi and cellular networks?
8.     Classify the architectures used in 802.11 networks.
9.     Draw and explain layers of 802.11 protocol.
10.    Which access method will be used by five mobile stations sharing a single channel for transmission? Explain in detail.
11.       What are the different fields present in 802.11 MAC frame format? A smartphone receives a MAC packet on wifi network with the following bits in MAC frame:
12.  A smartphone downloads a jpeg file of 4MB using FHSS physical interface of wifi having 4Mbps data rate. Calculate the frame size and time required for downloading. Also list the functions of different fields of FHSS packet format.
13.   A headphone is designed using Bluetooth. Analyze the properties of its interface.
14. What are the different IFS used in 802.11 MAC layer? A mobile station is ready with an ACK packet, how long should it wait before transmission using FHSS and DSSS?
15.  What is a beacon frame? A laptop and 2 Smartphone’s are present in wifi infrastructure-based network. How synchronization is done using beacon transmission?
16.  How power management is done using DTIM and ATIM in 802.11 networks?

Additional Questions for practice
17.  What are the drawbacks of mobile and wireless communication? Explain.
18.   Give comparison between wireless networks and fixed networks.
19.Calculate the 802.11 MAC frame size for Q. No. 12.
20.   What additional functions are required for wireless MAC protocol? Why?
21.Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 FHSS frame format.
22. Draw and explain IEEE 802.11 DSSS frame format.
23.  What are the different digital modulation techniques? Discuss in brief
24.What are the three access methods used by 802.11 standard? Explain in detail.
25.Give comparison between infrared and radio transmission.
26.What are the applications of mobile and wireless communication? Explain in detail.
27.  Enlist and explain the components of infrastructure networks of 802.11.
28. State and explain the 3 versions of 802.11 physical layers.
29.What functions are performed by MAC management of 802.11? Discuss in detail.
30.  How power management is done in 802.11 infrastructure and ad-hoc networks?
31. Write short note on: (i)Wifi Dual Band (ii) Wifi Direct
32.What are the different spread spectrum techniques in wireless networks? Explain briefly.
33.  Define Hidden terminal, exposed terminal and far and near terminal in wireless lan.
34.   Enlist characteristics of wireless LANs.
35.Define TIM and ATIM.
36. A laptop uploads mp3 file of 4MB using DSSS physical interface of wifi having 6Mbps data rate. Calculate the frame size and time required for uploading. Also list the functions of different fields of DSSS packet format.

Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A

Class: TE(IT) Subject: C N Assignment I

MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded.
Department of IT
Semester II (2018-19)
Class: TE(IT)       Subject:  C N       Assignment I

1.      Enlist and explain the properties of internet.
2.      Explain in detail application-level services of internet.
3.      Compare IP address with Ethernet address.
4.      Which service is used by a telephone call? Why?
5.      Change the following IPv4 addresses from binary to hexadecimal and decimal notation.
(i) 10111001  01101001  10010011  11101011 
(ii) 10101001  10010011  10010011  01111011
6.      Compare class A and class C IP addresses.
7.      Change the following IP addresses from dotted-decimal notation to binary and hex notation.
(i)         (ii)  (iii)
8.      For the following addresses, find the class, the block and the range of addresses:
(i)            (ii)  (iii)
9.      Find the error, if any, in the following IP addresses:
(i)                 115.375.79.85   (ii)  (iii)
10.  (a) Find the class of the following IP addresses, and give explanation for it:
(i)                 11000011  10000011   00011011 11111111
(ii)               00101001  00001011   00001011 11101111
(iii)             10010001 00101011   00001011 11101111
(b) One of the address in a block is the number of addresses, the first address and the last address.
11.  A host with IP address and physical address 0xb2efc5f7fe2c  has a packet to send to another host with and physical address 0xf456e73f227c. The two hosts are on the same Ethernet. Construct ARP request and reply packets.
12.  Draw and explain the fields of an IP datagram. An IP packet has arrived with the first 8 bits as shown:
                                       ç  01100011
     The receiver discards the packet. Why?
13.   (a) In an IP packet, the value of HLEN is 7 (decimal) and the value of the total length field is 55 (decimal). How many bytes of data are being carried by this packet?
(b) In an IP packet, the value of HLEN is 0C (hex) and the value of the total length field is 0AFF (hex). How many bytes of data are being carried by this packet?
14.  Calculate the checksum for the following IP datagram
15.  An IP packet has arrived with the hexadecimal digits as shown below:
ç  450000380d3a00000201bb6ec0a802034a7de2f4
How many hops can this packet travel before being dropped, The data belong to what upper layer protocol, What is identification value, what is the value for checksum, what is source and destination address?
16.  What is the significance of identification, flags, and offset fields of IP datagram? A datagram of size 7520 bytes is transmitted on a network of MTU 1100 bytes. Calculate the offset values and range of data bytes present in each fragments. What is the status of flags bit in each fragment?

Additional Questions for practice

17.  What services are provided by network-level of internet? Discuss in detail.
18.  Draw and explain different fields of Ethernet frame.
19.  Compare connection-oriented and connectionless delivery systems.
20.  Enlist the advantages and drawbacks of packet-switching networks.
21.  What are the advantages of circuit-switching networks over packet-switching? Why?
22.  What connecting devices are used at layer-1, layer-2, and layer-3 in internet? Explain their characteristics and functions.
23.  What addresses are used at layer-1, layer-2, and layer-3 in internet? Explain briefly.
24.  Explain the application programs at your site that use TCP/IP.
25.  What is Ethernet address? What are its properties?
26.  What is an IP address? What are the desirable properties of IP address? What is signified by prefix and suffix of IP address?
27.  Explain classful addressing in TCP/IP.
28.  Draw and explain ARP and RARP protocol format.
29.  Explain the concept of (i) datagram encapsulation, (ii) network MTU, (iii) and multiplexing at IP and TCP layers.
30.  What is proxy ARP? Explain with example.
31.  What is ARP? Explain ARP cache timeout.
32.  Define : (i) Multihomed host (ii) Directed broadcast address (iii) Limited broadcast address (iv) Loopback address.
33.  What are the different options for IP datagram option field? Explain briefly. An IP packet has the value of HLEN as 1011 in binary. How many bytes of options are being carried by this packet?
34.  Draw the architecture of Internet. Explain its components.
35.  A desktop machine want to send a multicast message to all computers in a group. Which class of IP address will be used? Why?

Faculty Incharge: Hashmi S A